
Hunter Grayson Hunter Grayson

Review: The Grossmalerman! Show

Forced audience laughter at things that aren’t that funny, a bouncy theme song, a three-camera set-up: no, it’s not the latest Chuck Lorre sitcom mucking up the airwaves, it’s The Grossmalerman! Show, Guy Richard Smit’s witty series.

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Hunter Grayson Hunter Grayson

(little) Death in Venezia

Viktor Harrington didn’t necessarily believe in ghosts — at least, not in the conventional sense — because what did he believe in, in the conventional sense? Ectoplasm, unholy moaning & rattling chains wasn’t a picture of the beyond that he could get on board with. Yet, despite his dismissal, as he roamed Venice’s cubbyholes and canals, he began to firm up his feelings that the city was — and presumably still is — haunted.

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