Echoes of the Ancient
Lidija Ristić, still from Mirror Box, 2019, single channel video with audio.
Echoes of the Ancient, a group exhibition organized by the artists of PARADICE PALASE, presents works by thirteen members residing in the United States, and one artist member based in Serbia. Curated by Jacki Davis, Jolene Dosa and Ambrus Gero, featured participating artists include Adina Andrus, Kelly Boehmer, Lesley Bodzy, Grayson Cassels, Jacki Davis, Jolene Dosa, Ambrus Gero, Caroline Heffron, Ruth Jeyaveeran, Mike McGuire, Lidija Ristić, Kat Ryals, Elise Thompson, and Albert Abdul-Barr Wang.
Grayson Cassels, Angel in AI, 2022, digital drawing, 12 x 12 in.
Two and a half years after the world changed before our eyes in March 2020, a lingering sense of uncertainty continues as we find ourselves living in a foreign land while standing in our own backyards. From every viewpoint, all cultures from around the planet adapt to new living/working spaces, lifestyle rituals, and emotional bonds both created and lost in the time of COVID. The induced release of complacency exposes unfamiliar feelings provoking questions of identity on both macro and micro levels. There is a sense of freedom for some, and fear for others.
Ruth Jeyaveeran, Tributaries, 2018, laser engraved wool, yarn, 15 x 21 in.
As we move forward into unknown territory, an empty landscape of what is to become our new reality brings us to question who we are, or who we thought we were before our habitual experiences and environments were altered. This sense of chaos transfixed into renewed order is depicted in the artists’ works. Some weigh in with bold frequencies of color and images of self-reflection, while others reveal delicate guidance that signal order in complexity with geometric patterns and imagery reminiscent of sacred map systems. Echoes of the Ancient leads us to question if we are in fact in a cyclical pattern of deconstruction and rebirth passed down from our ancestors, or merely teasing our fate with overconsumption, globalization, and industrialization. The exhibit seeks to invoke in the viewer contemplation of self-transformation and values of sustainability in the present.
Elise Thompson, Rile, 2021, acrylic, glass beads, and flocking on paper, dura-lar, and clear vinyl, 20 x 15 in.
Echoes of the Ancient is on view July 9th – August 7th, 2022 at 56 Bogart Street Suite 122, Brooklyn, NY, 11206. A reception will be held July 15th from 6-9pm. Hours are Thursday to Saturday 1-6pm & by appointment. For inquiries contact Kat Ryals
Kat Ryals, All Sizzle and No Steak, 2022, custom print on velvet rug, 24 x 114 in.